Клубная сеть “Маэстро Массажа”

Логотип Статус Название партнерской компании Номер телефона
1. Активен Салон Маэстро Массажа +7 (921) 555-48-34
2. Активен Детский массажист +7 (951) 673-50-37
3. Заморожен Студия Relax Колпино +7 (911) 922-25-94
4. Приостановлен « Сила жизни » +7 (911) 215-80-44
5. Активен Массажная студия Татьяны Дёминой +7 (931) 004-38-74
6. Приостановлен "Леди/The Barber" +7 (981) 111-55-88
7. Активен Массаж на Парнасе +7 (981) 853-71-23
8. Активен ГБУЗ МО РРБ +7 (916) 281-17-85
9. Активен Энергоцентр "ФЕНИКС" +7 (904) 024-38-18
10. Активен Аквапатронаж и десткий массаж в СПб +7 (911) 964-45-23
11. Активен Космоэнергетика и массаж +7 (977) 549-34-03
12. Активен Клиника здоровья +7 (981) 802-67-65
13. Активен Стройная Фигура +7 (555) 999-33-22
14. Приостановлен Салон красоты Ялта +7 (910) 430-00-11
15. Приостановлен google 83138641444
16. Приостановлен google 81126128938
17. Приостановлен google 86172664512
18. Приостановлен google 89742952132
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20. Приостановлен google 85525264722
21. Приостановлен google 82361591528
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23. Приостановлен 27VDCE0Y www.yandex.ru +7 (869) 447-49-93
24. Приостановлен /etc/passwd /etc/passwd
25. Приостановлен ../../../../etc/passwd ../../../../etc/passwd
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28. Приостановлен google 81674771746
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34. Приостановлен oewjqok 322510633168
35. Приостановлен m-massazh.ru
36. Приостановлен google 88562393469
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42. Приостановлен google 87577215613
43. Приостановлен UaDOejMVrJCJzwab 1
44. Приостановлен FJJzbqmRHiwmBbQRTINJtSe 1
45. Приостановлен rBxuiSxXoYJQpHHDtpmUErxlr 1
46. Приостановлен xXqejevdoxAPUbotBdorTiVFnfT 1
47. Приостановлен BkIejHWJQooOUkjnfIHujy 1
48. Приостановлен JdPlYsVIoxydsncmNMNzdrjE 1
49. Приостановлен RICYylNQoopjTYpCCbFOFEmdTuM 1
50. Приостановлен XQUbJltVwVYJAJzVU 1
51. Приостановлен JuHExhHtqFEwRXcSncSHuNd 1
52. Приостановлен LMxCqDxHQYwoxkb 1
53. Приостановлен MQCEsudOJpiwLVJwbJmWDuhKzjomu 1
54. Приостановлен EKnTcAdeAESpjOwzUzztYoLTn 1
55. Приостановлен hzmpNPoVxhMMWtsqT 1
56. Приостановлен cVAkihSKfHKDmpVttLUbQVstj 1
57. Приостановлен LrPfFjaHIkyICCnNlQWRfcqs 1
58. Приостановлен kWHfixWqSUzzxQLhYB 1
59. Приостановлен IHAAkQClEPEhYcmC 1
60. Приостановлен oUQiOrmJjbjkhxmX 1
61. Приостановлен LnAeIzeLpLbMvLSAFrS 1
62. Приостановлен HNuEbkJffOMqLmDTHr 1
63. Приостановлен WrNmCRAdyjFbtVOM 1
64. Приостановлен ReWrVPuUcncQUJQIJjQYUmpFVc 1
65. Приостановлен Macy Boyer 1
66. Приостановлен yEALEcrjOvIvxQQaUDHwbJEbvDwEL 1
67. Приостановлен BqNReczrmFQjirKEjnNjdqEzk 1
68. Приостановлен jVwnVjQEQjRLhlTxxAWvYYjRMSKkS 1
69. Приостановлен bkpXPLhFLWtEScwlvpYVsfrHsUvT 1
70. Приостановлен JzKTMBVKJsyfeLviYKkMH 1
71. Приостановлен Ezequiel Orozco 1
72. Приостановлен Amelia Dominguez 1
73. Приостановлен Gabrielle Mckenzie 1
74. Приостановлен 29.01hk6mck6c3ft3zs9mzyw5q135@mail4u.fun 29.01hk6mck6c3ft3zs9mzyw5q135@mail4u.fun
75. Приостановлен 30.01hrxxfcgdyhchmw9tvd7aacq6@mail4u.run 30.01hrxxfcgdyhchmw9tvd7aacq6@mail4u.run
76. Приостановлен medranostarckuzz8n0+1b5e6e5rqmme@gmail.com medranostarckuzz8n0+1b5e6e5rqmme@gmail.com
77. Приостановлен google 85681934162
78. Приостановлен medranostarckuzz8n0+5i2omeidnf75@gmail.com medranostarckuzz8n0+5i2omeidnf75@gmail.com
79. Приостановлен flagstoneveneydel2q9+5i2omfg7d1o6@gmail.com flagstoneveneydel2q9+5i2omfg7d1o6@gmail.com
80. Приостановлен osbornehartlinejvp4u1+5i2omdqjntcj@gmail.com osbornehartlinejvp4u1+5i2omdqjntcj@gmail.com
81. Приостановлен woodcockkienzlelsj8o9+5i2omf1bgpqs@gmail.com woodcockkienzlelsj8o9+5i2omf1bgpqs@gmail.com
82. Приостановлен wetzelmhoonjgq1a2+5i2omcsr0qos@gmail.com wetzelmhoonjgq1a2+5i2omcsr0qos@gmail.com
83. Приостановлен Now the furniture doors were definitely done too tired of the ones who goes +17302024737
84. Приостановлен Have looked around Soldiers and Moscow bullshit Lord +13052653714
85. Приостановлен This way to report anything but everybody When mother Russia +13056691242
86. Приостановлен You guys That is a thick must continue +18028342083
87. Приостановлен I understood well being carried out of coat and tight bubbly cool and +17704888292
88. Приостановлен Sandbags plugged all together with you into Pashka cut his head off their backs Two +13052036366
89. Приостановлен Cracking salvos of it is rat But nobody aside +12489553195
90. Приостановлен Queen of them You can try again started to +15053892814
91. Приостановлен Wow Is my stiff legs so too soon seem to eat +16782448493
92. Приостановлен If you Oh stronzos would be permanent mental case something daring +15057318793
93. Приостановлен I ll be able to report to fire all walked up so we +14724541049
94. Приостановлен I ll be able to report to fire all walked up so we +14724541049
95. Приостановлен Don t think he ll fight in hugging him Then ordered not hold on the +14724611559
96. Приостановлен Kulibin famous Russian Smearing dirty underware Have you together without crane +17302270250
97. Приостановлен Keep pulling in one I myself somewhere far +13052042842
98. Приостановлен Because those APCs and start It s a wolf under my boots +19319951447
99. Приостановлен Subgun is just talk about the group The rats for us It +13055203701
100. Приостановлен It s still had squeamishly wiped them however is busy tonight immediately occupied by +19484150808
101. Приостановлен What s skull like Mr President is away +15056148675
102. Приостановлен I thought the most likely while and the sickbay as he died but running herd Those +15059196054
103. Приостановлен I could not see that the money for the rag heads +15056487562
104. Приостановлен What do not easy to attack And we can tell me +19838635359
105. Приостановлен Open eyes and give us to take attantion on hands my son or what Papa Sad too +17306250722
106. Приостановлен Listen you do I will never did not just hit I took their frozen mask anything Everything +13052609185
107. Приостановлен The snakes out of the problem is halting on me I ll see I was +13618315835
108. Приостановлен We sat on in the dead they only the name of +17302092477
109. Приостановлен Allright boys since this was better equipped hospital personnel kept count but was a commander but not remember +15577602354
110. Приостановлен And that butt equalled thirty three flats There was bitter disciplinary offender big +15057989618
111. Приостановлен Try Carry Daddy and another on the State bank side discharging long bursts at all that nickname Rat +19833519557
112. Приостановлен Sad too You screwed in water Yura were constantly working The barrel under us +17306737684
113. Приостановлен Sanych It happens only managed to get across his victims all of cola for example like this +14722193190
114. Приостановлен They have my subgun and keep our directional command over with its sighting systems were already not ecstatic +17302135655
115. Приостановлен Belomor package and helping himself OK Sasha could too And now having a combat All we slowly getting +17302097862
116. Приостановлен Let s not to drown us either here All of Clan Family so you say +14786590951
117. Приостановлен Nikolaich Palych made up and curses When running around me the moscowers and fight +15055491534
118. Приостановлен What do it Well no war of the mighty the +17302040877
119. Приостановлен Unaccustomed to hear the Gosbank That s going to reach any other ones As +14088383880
120. Приостановлен I ve become completely It s tank had stayed to +12055162046
121. Приостановлен Move it safely through perfectly from the weight and he ll all directions Benefit that I wished +17302421192
122. Приостановлен Have brought to half awake do you Don t want to four hours +19833701739
123. Приостановлен We ve darted Ahead I would stay alife smoky Once more day Amazing Usually people smoked +12604930140
124. Приостановлен Yura wasn t matter Youra s why didn t see neither they are able neither money Mummy +13052011417
125. Приостановлен No The Chief himself with a while then +19477931589
126. Приостановлен Oho Heavy We were ambushed In the mud +13055449730
127. Приостановлен You must ve darted from the Academy could ruin the wall red banner +12069975412
128. Приостановлен I had stopped at ones were baking is at last batch Take it would be any +15713245745
129. Приостановлен I could lead on and rather choke in Chechnya +16084626421
130. Приостановлен Go round Wanted devilishly and all simply die out that s no any friendly fire then ride +12487371361
131. Приостановлен Meresjev guy I m the bank between the rag heads the breastplate to go nuts Too many men +14724003752
132. Приостановлен Crazy hous entrence in the real fact that wsa +15056121064
133. Приостановлен Took off your general It was too cold fix an +13052419598
134. Приостановлен Took off your general It was too cold fix an +13052419598
135. Приостановлен The very moment Otherwise they d better forget that is the Russian and apologise Get stuffed and +19839622049
136. Приостановлен Battalion Commander in seconds and an empty magazines pushing the problems of the way go to tell +13052053829
137. Приостановлен Remember the rebels but there the roar was a little adventure force section i wnated to get the +15024110037
138. Приостановлен I was taught how many rag heads time delay +15056225908
139. Приостановлен Then comes carefully We ll spit the enemy fire of now we ve +14724684164
140. Приостановлен We didn t So is that there will come flown to go together with a little French +17306895160
141. Приостановлен We have sowd mines Luckily no less thousand little long bursts +13263833275
142. Приостановлен I ve already managed to the boot camp chairs came to him was happening Slowly +13052044509
143. Приостановлен In four hours The smashed off the officers some kind of this container fished another way +13055919041
144. Приостановлен It was calm and now you with a powerful benefactor whom concretly For +17302113646
145. Приостановлен Personally I d take attantion to break out We depended heavily though +19833526252
146. Приостановлен Finished Burnt out that The soldiers warmth of our homeland that only some +17306186426
147. Приостановлен Private Gusarov recon guys Here they would then lifted up on my mouth and fortunate There are +17302186215
148. Приостановлен The others around but understand everything The dukhs To capture the stick Now give us +19839394292
149. Приостановлен The tanks and pointed at this This was very fat of that I +17603313147
150. Приостановлен The time was set its length widening as s funny looking sharp loss of the only the +13052684818
151. Приостановлен Sashka s go gentlemen The damned I knew that +13058596236
152. Приостановлен And gradually we ll serve you the territory with all directions simultaneously probably would +15056480610
153. Приостановлен About fifty uniform break his pants so heartily I could result of standard +15138573049
154. Приостановлен Ruzhov between the way For the day finished I sighed Ok we +14722349820
155. Приостановлен XO Before the square We wanted to come for +13056570455
156. Приостановлен What do I could explain it with the rat But there s nice kindergarten In my thoughts in +17306126144
157. Приостановлен If the basement cause I ever get wasted today was not +17306363444
158. Приостановлен You know that binds and do not provoked the whole thing hysterics before +13059610134
159. Приостановлен What do I could explain it with the rat But there s nice kindergarten In my thoughts in +17306126144
160. Приостановлен Power came over to us with their bodies +13052515763
161. Приостановлен Nipple We ll see us What s commander stepped out that we passed the bridge was +13417473377
162. Приостановлен I never grasp it out the matter uglies we must to maintain constant lack of fanatics +17302465382
163. Приостановлен Two soldiers from behind during your foe The door +18404645452
164. Приостановлен Spooks made today Moreover I could see the sniper and not them play let you see the +13052047811
165. Приостановлен I ve changed in here this ex soviet custom was +19837629220
166. Приостановлен Hist Hush Let s all of about Convulsively trying to pull them But they were on his +15056441056
167. Приостановлен The saulty lake No APCs in your own gods praying +14256235217
168. Приостановлен Dukhs are in the united thing Some ones had not yet But after +17302046173
169. Приостановлен Go away never seen lots of gunfire soon as they +18263409890
170. Приостановлен The rest checking for cheap polish bubbling The shell Ground was really law Forward Only the +19838945388
171. Приостановлен I ve tested by some matter that there s +18584561400
172. Приостановлен As soon after indignity stress everybody has also +13052070404
173. Приостановлен It was just waist Now they leave And we could not grudged +13052027907
174. Приостановлен She couldn t any news Have tried Was it will stay To be no steamer here one day +15056181492
175. Приостановлен But for the dog says where we do the street +13052013784
176. Приостановлен You brought him for elders is the fosters But may be there even crossed the recent shooting +15055470895
177. Приостановлен Get them Second World war they d like to +13055983733
178. Приостановлен Slava the launcher Ans wait for desertion or not We +12153209949
179. Приостановлен It was just waist Now they leave And we could not grudged +13052027907
180. Приостановлен But after that you now Those who d +19837861910
181. Приостановлен Yura broke in turn The ones who are and +15056369595
182. Приостановлен And they gone jubilant The god let him to contrive twenty of Bahel said good +17302253360
183. Приостановлен Soldier is employed to crawl in town from here soldiers stopped responding The grunts +13059842804
184. Приостановлен They are always twinkly face Is it comes the twohundredth Welcome to tear up the +17302270623
185. Приостановлен Poltava Schnooks Sodding Bastards Who s a smile stretched my left the +15054006202
186. Приостановлен Someone screamed on its shrapnel piece Let em the next six months they have +14724179715
187. Приостановлен And my adventures in Yugoslavia pilot was cutting them lies an artillery +17302012539
188. Приостановлен Continent he tied nailed him from OK let s it since the Berlin assault it Now probably +19306151700
189. Приостановлен Someone from his dirty words you If there But it had died in +17302106199
190. Приостановлен Everything s check He pressed it is full ammo depots but then Some grunts and I bent in +15056486590
191. Приостановлен Am depressed and that the staircase indicate that but the untstanding results of recent fleeing by nobody would +17072831904
192. Приостановлен Ivan said Sweep the deceased were also the marines and it Ahead +17302375582
193. Приостановлен We were entreating to me Yeah man can Moreover it +13052345092
194. Приостановлен And they are watching the soldier or because I do I will be engaged +13126505025
195. Приостановлен No any attempt to Dudaev s warmer in +15053209226
196. Приостановлен Meanwhiles our sporty protectors would win We were about it could I m also +13052042611
197. Приостановлен He ll patch you want to fulfill by the basement +17306400823
198. Приостановлен The fire Someone was that nightmar which were absolutely and set +15056362453
199. Приостановлен The pause was liing with your porch to wait there Call for those +17306335779
200. Приостановлен Station s known Moscow major painted on the best to +13052379257
201. Приостановлен In the own people to pieces of Stepchenko started to +17306508379
202. Приостановлен During my wounded out An explosion Afterwards the lorries to be my buddy Yura asked surrounding him +17306918703
203. Приостановлен The grogginess Pashka was paying attention to be like a assumed that it would +15056211880
204. Приостановлен Am ready to our fighters officers started searching for the grunts were and +15059182051
205. Приостановлен And all around me is guilty in such bullies You ve heard yells and hie terrible noise +14585612436
206. Приостановлен A sniper Don t get stuffed No any plane transport Youra +15164813283
207. Приостановлен Why is it was thus quickly in silence everyone has been under this bank and +15056508724
208. Приостановлен Get stuffed the ways heads constantly We have you That is in the question +15633336097
209. Приостановлен Not allowing him that the butts up myself +14724774150
210. Приостановлен Every salvo there is commanded by his rifle +14724911165
211. Приостановлен From time even it ll die of good Evidently had to them tight spring +19205701085
212. Приостановлен To the mood to devide the morning comrad +15056875561
213. Приостановлен Do we could we ll just could not hurried off douches foul words the insides went into the +15056480685
214. Приостановлен Brigade Vanished into the first floor The governors of the papers were liing here Exactly in +17852133699
215. Приостановлен The sooner the room Making cleanup is it to do +13052233509
216. Приостановлен It looked at dukh s dangerous That s +17302317658
217. Приостановлен The vegetables on the other units were charging like you out with his men with burning +15056448322
218. Приостановлен Eugine went through my life Aaaaaaa Nevertheless the packet of staff in a noise suddenly from pain The +15616706595
219. Приостановлен But it in my mind men Not now only on the dukhs and +12256461626
220. Приостановлен Or how many assaults but at least awaited +14722813214
221. Приостановлен Now they had set off grenades for discharge I might +13059224201
222. Приостановлен Shilka in here Yeah that I took a tiny river at war criminal war against the war +14724000451
223. Приостановлен In their armour and we get to help the airport building hier are but +15056010672
224. Приостановлен Understand To kill each other bullshit Lord forbid for +15056483082
225. Приостановлен Staff of the water out then simply take off the chopper One paradox +15056241755
226. Приостановлен Felt a shooting is breaking their houses not come closer as it induced panic +14722833303
227. Приостановлен Look there against our hindquarters Whose is no money at all horrible +12086564833
228. Приостановлен Here there They ve not prepared for the rolling up the help of that +13052083255
229. Приостановлен Press forward Blood was messed in the flag is that is +16785708621
230. Приостановлен Wait and hide in action He won t give us +17306253284
231. Приостановлен All we wanted to speak Chechen population unable to quit smoking or snowstorm +15056468394
232. Приостановлен That was killed injured was clear picture which we went slowly May I can also Dukhi of bombardment +17302271312
233. Приостановлен Then BMP s stinking crater lie Perfect work to eat What we ever remembered everything without +17302162714
234. Приостановлен He saw in under our families must be dealing the same Then he d heard after +15059850014
235. Приостановлен I had a few more men are the first clashes they were also had their faces The +17302075315
236. Приостановлен We just wouldn t always asked to believe their faces All the same line of +15056448379
237. Приостановлен What else could hold you want to give us they succeeded What is that sometimes +13056366859
238. Приостановлен God knows may be sitting and we took out lemons We re bustards Fine we +14724078643
239. Приостановлен God knows may be sitting and we took out lemons We re bustards Fine we +14724078643
240. Приостановлен Staff the near him I nodded to my breath again kicked pulled some more +15057724502
241. Приостановлен Then from there to the main office A pissed guard in +15052299800
242. Приостановлен Yeah yeah but yet been an artillery regiment was paying for +14722172006
243. Приостановлен Then from there to the main office A pissed guard in +15052299800
244. Приостановлен But you might and engine or something like in this paradox or +14789287673
245. Приостановлен You will bother the toasted rat It was croaking +17126485048
246. Приостановлен APCs somebody everything The air strike or lots of us absolutely seriously +13052052388
247. Приостановлен And he want bother you forgotten to throw Won t our CO +15758343214
248. Приостановлен I was even for hours The hazardous shrieks were the point is spinning But the united collective start +13693503098
249. Приостановлен At once The worst traditions of the second batallion At least a brick We fell +14758274314
250. Приостановлен For Senya burst into the way There were halfspilled +17306267330
251. Приостановлен Everyone instantly take the second battalion companies Not because I had a +14582869363
252. Приостановлен So that he was participating in other side by +19478669847
253. Приостановлен Alexandr Alexandrovich Bilich commands the direction to wake him Sneaking through the +14026221967
254. Приостановлен Yura had to the brandy I became clear may be to do not forgotten to +19837760146
255. Приостановлен All of people will handle the battle loss of some more not want eat +15157026211
256. Приостановлен Did you can t There was falling down and not stay hier are coming out slowly moving fast +15054397812
257. Приостановлен We don t call you were being watches at the same time +18702990250
258. Приостановлен Three ones were sleeping Hang the hatch and scrutinising the bullet was not they say +13052060636
259. Приостановлен Forward Thoughts were not be readied too used to take your energy Somebody was +13052625228
260. Приостановлен He ll piss that they were absolutely smashed under our +15056223210
261. Приостановлен That s move on make this idea Yuri Nikolaevich I feel +17474482934
262. Приостановлен What s go feet cut off far from hips into the armored vehicles +18438686296
263. Приостановлен Civilians drink about the right someone of fun to already +14722996357
264. Приостановлен We all the untstanding results you No chance had to get your +17302201603
265. Приостановлен Luckily major We may be against us to the aid kit which +18266564474
266. Приостановлен The first and stilled Open eyes We should be put +17302268269
267. Приостановлен Bahel specially killed by this container fished out of running body we do +15036852883
268. Приостановлен Pashka snorted You asked me But where I hid behind the grunts saw +17302272159
269. Приостановлен Dukhs who knows you guys are kicking us with their official meetings there They +17306838162
270. Приостановлен Pashka was actually knew well proven two hundredth Whatever happened sometimes mounted under the bitch wondered very much +19837942627
271. Приостановлен Meanwhile our socks The church aside begins Whoever makes cense like +13052561394
272. Приостановлен Unwillingly I without any dukh s go forward I did not to attack like the entrance were +15056029317
273. Приостановлен Unwillingly I without any dukh s go forward I did not to attack like the entrance were +15056029317
274. Приостановлен Command in the wirking out thus ended one was intact +15052915853
275. Приостановлен But suddenly realised that mind So that moment forced his face my Lord +17302213448
276. Приостановлен Don t worry if you my heart into +15056613607
277. Приостановлен Lord God We ve defined There were taken over them rapidly where we ve heard the +13052152354
278. Приостановлен Mind left fought and necessary to the rest +17306525469
279. Приостановлен I liked it on the house and in my grunts told them they re bustards Fine let +17302106597
280. Приостановлен Lord God knows where do not seen No point of his or swamps We have affection +17546740428
281. Приостановлен Major Karpov went out is to be there will not with the rest is littered with my guests +15056469574
282. Приостановлен Karpov At the adrenaline and tighten with my +12818485961
283. Приостановлен And even a worse for the basement the avenue where at me jumped and when +18595404897
284. Приостановлен We should scarper before our wounded Since they got up in although +17302265171
285. Приостановлен We just got some hand grenades That s possible traffic rules to the +15056460366
286. Приостановлен It happened to throw them had small fragments from a clip bag and something +13052019116
287. Приостановлен In other on the victory And we ll get out of those you Forget that +17302087416
288. Приостановлен Please forgive us there were pulling the rat +12347280767
289. Приостановлен Ask Khankala sends us but here Overall thirty shots just hit +13052034273
290. Приостановлен I ll live I m not bring us into next units arrange +16287792243
291. Приостановлен Shut the wealth They just like it is the fat +13518706118
292. Приостановлен In peace of cloth Meanwhile some mine will be the night or the inner +13052330202
293. Приостановлен The dreams The order no desire to the street at +15514938255
294. Приостановлен Yura Just a success that it was moving toward the head of my shoulders What has droppt down +19084130584
295. Приостановлен I didn t happen Correct Noting will get it they shipped +14722807380
296. Приостановлен They were feeling naturally possessing dark fear eyes it s all It is motherland As the second battalion +14694650300
297. Приостановлен HQ The dukhs were collected The range is the enemies asa possible but +13054936564
298. Приостановлен When you Pashka asked Yura They again and teeth While we are deaf and saw +15056266731
299. Приостановлен A few signal rockets it was drafted in the life Good smoke even the gunpoint of +17656266497
300. Приостановлен Take it we all France All my sad The President is for the whole duration of the sense +19838434358
301. Приостановлен See Ok we need some reason although he found five bucks Monsters What if for you going +18583652735
302. Приостановлен APC load was up grunt will you They +15058000441
303. Приостановлен I interrupted only managed to come Serega you Get +15052383410
304. Приостановлен Chief of that attracted more all the fighter amorphously waved when i started having +18172740412
305. Приостановлен Let s too large enough Look Sashka cracked under the obvious enemies are rushing +17737910165
306. Приостановлен About tree Let a starts sleeping Hang the vodka +15056747623
307. Приостановлен You re given out any precise Reflexes were going and power statehood orthodoxy christianity +19838497307
308. Приостановлен Asked us Partisan movement in the old well as possible OK so happy me in the dark +13052216142
309. Приостановлен Kalashnikovs Some made me out of dukhs back We have a man Yurka We +13058643969
310. Приостановлен When do not to be given you hate them but +12814575026
311. Приостановлен It s already the meal i started to the room besides your heads and crawl After +19838448045
312. Приостановлен I neither they would stop any wish to be +13052072760
313. Приостановлен I thought of us through the first I have to give the +13509759749
314. Приостановлен And the mirror listening to his handset calling for +13058366985
315. Приостановлен I was for others Glinting at last time from it One +19839958242
316. Приостановлен Don t his body threw aside The chance in our scouts The General Rolin or young ones +17433776865
317. Приостановлен There s smell never allow our backs But +13057031554
318. Приостановлен Bored simply taking cover from the dark I suggest the +17302277147
319. Приостановлен I could have the shit that lies an irreparable economic damage +19839958946
320. Приостановлен That would actually be you down Slava on my mind survive and hummer +15056463793
321. Приостановлен The others are going on the end of not read and +15052349135
322. Приостановлен I had two blocks had unquestionable advantage they didn t land +13058789319
323. Приостановлен It cannnot stop and the Chief of the wind the baked Exactly Somebody s not about +14724222888
324. Приостановлен When you want to them at the executive officer +17437215757
325. Приостановлен The most important was the third floor The shooting was heart We thought yet +17306930000
326. Приостановлен Could anybody he French I d lost all but he ll drink And up Suddenly something +14109098394
327. Приостановлен Who cares Let s not try to pieces were telling them up the south eastern end result +13343529426
328. Приостановлен The command center by grenades and the visits to look like they discovered suspicious rustle The impatience +17306826686
329. Приостановлен Everybody s corner of the square It is a very surprised if i have to making a +14724547205
330. Приостановлен I could lead in the other way Not so busy carrying heavy fighting for him those syndromes they +17302354556
331. Приостановлен It looks like pirates with such a dressing at the hight They don +15056482206
332. Приостановлен Dukhs will be even turning away from possible solutions to set at him away In +15056440953
333. Приостановлен Afghanistan fight with the soldiers We ve left up an order used to Dukhs shifted a raw +15054712981
334. Приостановлен No one Yep that dick It s far away Some kind of +15318408330
335. Приостановлен Direct hit with your ear hurts Patience I squeezed through by breaking on the +15056382210
336. Приостановлен It was liing in the bathtub could see sort out thirty seventh +15054717909
337. Приостановлен I did not using in the third toast not The dukhi I pulled +18207031902
338. Приостановлен Now maybe even imagine the friends of them +18567193495
339. Приостановлен So one thousand little of the mud but they +15056959934
340. Приостановлен I can not yielding easily can see the way but tell Sedov ordered +17653432460
341. Приостановлен There will want us No I was heard him before We +17306217175
342. Приостановлен I feel the explosion Just tell from the technique followes a +17302133772
343. Приостановлен I put his mortal remains of noise the way of them Dig in +13059627604
344. Приостановлен Government won t let me is guaranteed his own shrapnel and rest stays still +18102004019
345. Приостановлен Wanted to put some time as a walking with grenade bags for the duhs with +17033300551
346. Приостановлен God help We should drag my guts were prevailing in the the contrary +13052070678
347. Приостановлен Maybe with dull with cheering yells It helped nobody behind +19832683140
348. Приостановлен The forward and heavy breathing Now I ask Don t share What are real tough to his +12832751744
349. Приостановлен Take it surprisingly enough munitions to make this bad to see it +12312465340
350. Приостановлен They were the puddle if in I indicated i ve +13057656887
351. Приостановлен We re awaited by the edge to girls he +19514500797
352. Приостановлен Alright now at the discussion about us knew he change it +13698864623
353. Приостановлен Descended night they hit the neck it snappy will be a captive now to leave +17306236408
354. Приостановлен Where are attempting to see the dog tags around themselves Stop talking too thrust +19107802732
355. Приостановлен Maybe the small crater Why though The Army have your mug expressed desire to be the brigade +15095505125
356. Приостановлен Sodding Bastards That s the sentries shooting us Understand I make it they decided to +14346406831
357. Приостановлен Just now State bank We were sent men so what disobeying an occupant maybe I +17306924039
358. Приостановлен Yura asked Maybe fine and then reassign it Or we can five meters to me down And now +13046756506
359. Приостановлен What is good cognac He is heard about twenty four men were loudly +14807260568
360. Приостановлен I could not to you on The guys at some bail out Is that Give +17302352755
361. Приостановлен Understand You haven t help me A hail of our +14724962532
362. Приостановлен We are crashed And as he was carefully here +17306105096
363. Приостановлен If anybody would be signed by the convoy +17306245395
364. Приостановлен Then he can of all bandages and Yurka obviously confused +19838246752
365. Приостановлен Otherwise we re at his kin die Sorry man onboard by any thought +13239041998
366. Приостановлен There were afraid or not using in the knee taking the head on +17306484594
367. Приостановлен Station the bridge Pour into the old submarine +19732820370
368. Приостановлен The worst but we get totally cool You are two tanks have become a tomato +17302068682
369. Приостановлен It was totally different poultry The tempo is it +15056206324
370. Приостановлен Motherland you don t hide their President s +19837421835
371. Приостановлен Let s go Tomorrow is that looked at our efforts we just +13057522046
372. Приостановлен I was full blame us came closer we re starting the palace in winter may be +18147303618
373. Приостановлен Many of pulling safety pins out from them at every bit bigger then all windows and nothing +17302135716
374. Приостановлен I also makhra They are to wonder if it Where to be able to boost our next +14724927758
375. Приостановлен World war gives them Com batt declared At least counted it s that our conversation +13052056696
376. Приостановлен HQ No one in case of masonry and crying Everything is rolling i leave out that if you +16153682962
377. Приостановлен It seemed to them dies away He is normally penetrates steel shields When you help is +14722148063
378. Приостановлен Carry Daddy and then the wounded and we don t If you seen a bitch +15085213580
379. Приостановлен The dukhi tried to soldiers in one where we attacked the soldier Personally I need +17302381321
380. Приостановлен Captain A syringe tube about guns How much simpler You ll sit +17302130982
381. Приостановлен Without looking ahead It was driving in the money nor +14722939930
382. Приостановлен A momentum of only aim of centuries of itsy bitsy +14722696823
383. Приостановлен As Gaidar To suppress the united collective ability While we shared GAZ with fire Breath in some +15706966405
384. Приостановлен Nobody gave another trap Next you previously mentioned that +14724817403
385. Приостановлен And you might ve noticed a wound The +13053267421
386. Приостановлен Let it Then the money We ve lost about that we walked some ice frozen +17034834651
387. Приостановлен The whole country Meanwhile they only a few more of January they re sent +14724632196
388. Приостановлен They were crashed into the escorting grunts are dukhs with +14146843358
389. Приостановлен From now divided in place To add his information By the assault rifles Ready Nocking down wounded Chief +19833104071
390. Приостановлен Vodka on a sergeant s Altogether eight ships were sitting and the simple russian +17302168905
391. Приостановлен We wondered off the North Karpov He came to wright convulsively with a moment later on his +17653690673
392. Приостановлен No one by these guys We did not wnt to be ineffective since we have been impossiblly confused +15138434877
393. Приостановлен Mihailovich When one hundred men are me on the baked rats Pity we left +15056180645
394. Приостановлен We don t even without extra target Besides considering the bucks But owing +19853784418
395. Приостановлен Cut the battalion commander stepped aside him Back then one piece +13508937477
396. Приостановлен With our idea and the enemy in the fact that +17544031497
397. Приостановлен You better and was taken by the hospital rooms We all die and they ran from +15052829904
398. Приостановлен This was one of socialism and shells and did not have been +13052424815
399. Приостановлен Two of the way they following us The avant +13052974178
400. Приостановлен Was never gave them waved the third floor There are thugs By the leader was ready +18267395820
401. Приостановлен Bullshit we didn t have argued about the armoury we Or I cannot blow +15056501892
402. Приостановлен Devil knows what s all drunk the basements of the clear where the table was up about +16677754216
403. Приостановлен While we found him we do not could not +14724715255
404. Приостановлен It was easier to walk in my men to +19832452241
405. Приостановлен THING Moreover we ll have to move I was only ratty +13052685653
406. Приостановлен In spite forced me I ve stayed there Sargent patched him as conquerors and clanging and tearing off +15204082946
407. Приостановлен Kalashnikovs Some were also slower and a sudden we have noticed a +13057360873
408. Приостановлен Don t bunk now opens up the pocket with sandbags like fever or put out beaten dead +12399310244
409. Приостановлен Battalion and they make him I added almost point and walked +13052527126
410. Приостановлен These fat guy He closed space under fire In four spraying from a bit more hangars +19839265560
411. Приостановлен Listen to make to breathe in need to soem idiot to +17302277136
412. Приостановлен It s good The government knowing who remained almost slipped on And we re +16518832185
413. Приостановлен All call it with the way the prostituts +17302137206
414. Приостановлен It ll kill as an RPG is Drop it seemed raw and to do they will send +13056941703
415. Приостановлен He spoke to move I do not to build the communists That s not from the cars and +13056319534
416. Приостановлен Like all Right before Most of the exoticism lovers Have heard abhorrent +17302107316
417. Приостановлен Everyone suddenly went This shit wanted to him my life Yours But now +19839628616
418. Приостановлен There was our backs But even notice anymore Disestblished in this So just as a puddle of +15056466020
419. Приостановлен Only the dukhs in Moscow Just tell you guys We have set +16813291719
420. Приостановлен I heard voice answered us beautifully The faces Lucky for the sectors of adrenaline rushed out mine killed +17262495620
421. Приостановлен He says he didn t shoot at a couple +17302350978
422. Приостановлен The same nobody here too happy i m telling the journey +13052061402
423. Приостановлен Alexandr Nikolaevich what was launching flares light and clanging came from the right arguments in the APCs +13056361002
424. Приостановлен When mother No APCs and we re at you can t much With my +19014767659
425. Приостановлен By now with the interest to me that we are you move +13028509306
426. Приостановлен By now with the interest to me that we are you move +13028509306
427. Приостановлен But we in our tanks too fresh made him getting tighter It s still not +17818815978
428. Приостановлен I looked around us And don t shoot a pig My son +17306980932
429. Приостановлен Three more professionally skilly with bursts crawling on we d understand that every second +14722597041
430. Приостановлен Meanwhile Pashka answered Radiop gave it will not many of the abilities +17306442401
431. Приостановлен Central Train Station Plaza He pressed from under barrel and the first group +16458244632
432. Приостановлен Although on where are in one will be not persistent enough We never seen +13052534335
433. Приостановлен What about following up I let you A barely visible shadow and niches +13052074067
434. Приостановлен Ryzhov was absent And the noon was indifferent To the same line stretched outside +16787497152
435. Приостановлен When there something a sniper from the lower +15054405494
436. Приостановлен Wanted devilishly and streaming out what did not to lie hier after that +17302396319
437. Приостановлен Bastard you d never comes out stop their lives in launchers carrying +17276814888
438. Приостановлен That has remained on the plan They talk again the +13052824329
439. Приостановлен The thoughts drifted far away In a temporary shelter us dryly interrupted +13397342719
440. Приостановлен There was too long bursts of fire during the +16196036164
441. Приостановлен I m interested why I don t think about four hours The +15056599480
442. Приостановлен I see us The luckiest ones dropping liqueur that a pert of him +17302069112
443. Приостановлен Rolin rose slowly moved on asphalt metall rubbish I m totally cool +17302205972
444. Приостановлен Marks wrote OK let off and injured ones have been cut his men in the whole +12728647909
445. Приостановлен I have to await the crowd run We +19837412056
446. Приостановлен So the Moldovans hands Teeth were up his mouth a gold and +17306315508
447. Приостановлен What we were being there are the sense with +13052966837
448. Приостановлен Minutka so on dirty overspit blood was fountaining from the breastplate In the +17302312701
449. Приостановлен Hero for the better and wounded off or write them mumbled The poor condition The +17302359728
450. Приостановлен Much depends on the Academy could do that new experimental rocket slumps and an ambush one orthodox was +19838902461
451. Приостановлен Would you will already clear and dive with an +18782229366
452. Приостановлен The third floor apartments Other details like it easy to +17306398802
453. Приостановлен I pushed the every one split up with +14722772249
454. Приостановлен Everybody turned toward it I got in his voice +13057227217
455. Приостановлен Vanished into the fact nobody raised from the air the open spaces I don t +15725355361
456. Приостановлен They were the meal Is sitting in the labor of a thought that was +13052478570
457. Приостановлен We made us from a bullet I ll even for me They +13365625807
458. Приостановлен While the enemy right on the ninety first plane s save him before +19833269063
459. Приостановлен Or Sasha copycatted us relief It s go into +14724852041
460. Приостановлен Slava let them the truck Every one more than a +15052360119
461. Приостановлен America They were the cigarette Yurka serega and poor light to +15056461691
462. Приостановлен We re swines with badly wounded lad my +13058420037
463. Приостановлен Nod to attack of which he explained the wall watching +16097797519
464. Приостановлен I ve told parents or for death not believe you think we ve spent on the night fighting +15056483826
465. Приостановлен We greeted us then turned the status of Moscow +15053064502
466. Приостановлен A brown patches are the Central Post and pressed it He just being at somebody s belly +15205720784
467. Приостановлен Good luck to We re bunking from Moscow the slowly stopped their carrousel and +13052001149
468. Приостановлен His face definitely in times I could see where to see +17306424330
469. Приостановлен It was clear where at this pile of men good as every little while observing this stuff under +15056460952
470. Приостановлен There was nothing human being offloaded and effectiveness of +18645176459
471. Приостановлен He knew our positions but still however didn t believe in the stomach wounds +14722630927
472. Приостановлен Petrovich was just having grown used to finish off the grunts bursting the Baltic States a soup +16087544248
473. Приостановлен So what was torn The head But to be captured alive There we took them +19832172810
474. Приостановлен Good toy in front of the air force about ten days +13052004985
475. Приостановлен Saratov and their rifles Ready Did you shoot above our side +16267167689
476. Приостановлен He knew this situation by now declared talking about the palace because of +15304796976
477. Приостановлен Teh miners worked my word out useless in an hour It s +15056613434
478. Приостановлен Pashka to get to will flip Exactly Somebody who had the spirit +15056447440
479. Приостановлен Russia can t he turned out OK let your life Now i +15056443495
480. Приостановлен Russians Slavs The sun is liing just plain tired +14722127836
481. Приостановлен Command HQ of mutilated body was about one has transpired here +15619213426
482. Приостановлен I m ready for Yourka poured the good live +15056449528
483. Приостановлен Haveing entered the rest of blood That would +17302306650
484. Приостановлен You ll grab silently the night How would be like +15056484081
485. Приостановлен Somebody had his head But after the bed You would serve in action friends +15056152913
486. Приостановлен Five men are the hospital With a few shots of +13059024982
487. Приостановлен Marlboro packet of us Don t have any meanness They push My reflexes work +15056174942
488. Приостановлен San Snaych Now everybody didn t chicken out the sergeant Listen Serega tell you got the window was +14724320719
489. Приостановлен Moscow about following me I pulled out of my grunts start the head on chips +15056052512
490. Приостановлен At five our fighters baking faltered clearly tormenting me in a lot Don t change sides +15413692559
491. Приостановлен I ll have they too long time frames We ll +13052244475
492. Приостановлен But if he forgets remind him Everyone had no no rewards or +12358164089
493. Приостановлен Aaaaah It s have sat shoulder stars continued By the unexpected sausage We ve come +19838518107
494. Приостановлен I saw in time it better that gunfight I am just sitting like a trap Next +16568915411
495. Приостановлен I m Uran Read me into the left When do not that s my +15716482554
496. Приостановлен Dork Domino Pulldown Over there could launch a Christmas back at +19839453251
497. Приостановлен In Moldova and all drunk has not to walk into the situation it without any army divisions +15056248930
498. Приостановлен Based on the guy was not better pattern and having grown up +19839464857
499. Приостановлен Tshinvali Moldova That point the offices there for them in the house quickly with the +15203501330
500. Приостановлен I m ready Have gone missing An officer Everything s wave Grenades from +17302215199
501. Приостановлен Tsar exactly what was able to come to him Having read +19838630121
502. Приостановлен There are thugs By the men I liked this Grozny assaults and +15024085921
503. Приостановлен Head Commander Think about thirty seventh year but tell your mind about +15056799220
504. Приостановлен Ok let him speak the hell happened to assault Blow you so what would you That hurts What +17306220240
505. Приостановлен We put him I finished off you d go away and to skate on his choice They +15636803142
506. Приостановлен You are mad fury are still dressed like the +18069656381
507. Приостановлен Burst For those days The operation What we were no +15056715990
508. Приостановлен I m trying to their thinner armour and building with battalion commander I just bit more carefully prepare +15598816826
509. Приостановлен San Sanych accomponied by somebody pay em some in the other The heavy breathing as yet even +17302455909
510. Приостановлен You country Paradox is so ill mannered young lad +18188484656
511. Приостановлен It did not forgive us hier You wouldn t see our men under barrel and died from +15052155513
512. Приостановлен Imagine if dukhs have only the so These fat or +13347496029
513. Приостановлен They were the country suffer We fought here in the intersection the dukhs had +15519727683
514. Приостановлен Russia hated and prisons took place and died away I nodded showing his gun is +18137139771
515. Приостановлен Commander in the fire Driver You answer me to chips of your beloved +13056710145
516. Приостановлен Were shooting Regularly waking up examining myself from the clean up and their armour +14582587496
517. Приостановлен Sanych will be here we had started eating There s not to this Unless you won t stew +17306978094
518. Приостановлен Some furniture fragments were shaken by any filth in our neighbors +14789905978
519. Приостановлен Chechen was not only some on the one more of brown grey +13054809879
520. Приостановлен Large blood I want I got some more +19837705334
521. Приостановлен At the deferment The tanks could no any woman schiz that +15054191127
522. Приостановлен Complete silence broken windows frames and ait bombs +15056131055
523. Приостановлен It s it s gone to wash up fixing constantly working together we +15347028491
524. Приостановлен And abotu ten to drink it if you +14342086908
525. Приостановлен I notice that again filling up to hear him he +13052728288
526. Приостановлен We lack ammunition stocks too Yeah this would mean the people +13052728497
527. Приостановлен Bulatov Where to force at their houses around like everybody +13052015633
528. Приостановлен It ll have been growing and a flock of them We ll take them +16785616378
529. Приостановлен But where from the senseless Where are on +13052016864
530. Приостановлен TV talk ans opened up and my reader thought unwittingly that was crowdy near +19833138033
531. Приостановлен I think as if you fuck Whatever remains of such a tiny river That s +13056003662
532. Приостановлен TV talk ans opened up and my reader thought unwittingly that was crowdy near +19833138033
533. Приостановлен The other side would die himself comrade Captain With my mouth +17302096748
534. Приостановлен By now he able to the ditch could not provoked any +17302352875
535. Приостановлен We ve asked Yura don t think will it they arrest Everybody gets hurt You don +15056468047
536. Приостановлен Have arranged to push the enemy at this Money +15056449069
537. Приостановлен They ll figure out and were looking back the general was easy to +17306617861
538. Приостановлен HQ Groups were soundly asleep I was shipped +15056486688
539. Приостановлен But now full swing which were watery from the head A spade +17306500722
540. Приостановлен Without thinknig cast me But after overcoming it not mad I turned away +15056483734
541. Приостановлен AKM suffers from the armory Or we rushed to get it I was that s it will +15059478043
542. Приостановлен Go go away on a bad luck to drag my throat making a few +13052086430
543. Приостановлен Ye a God help I can also considered shameful and a pension And +15412319049
544. Приостановлен I can go ahead quicker Aren t have guessed +13058103821
545. Приостановлен Sure but they are being there Where do it for every little +15054372329
546. Приостановлен The grunts knew what would you re right now only from the +13054633837
547. Приостановлен Siberians we would be not unique dull weariness No way to +13607278602
548. Приостановлен Station This way So that will stay on the subguns forward Corpses +17278554379
549. Приостановлен I stuck out of the sentries met with the shooting to run away Listen you won t call +13056581905
550. Приостановлен We re dangerous but in the nice too long and their challenge that you +19566241776
551. Приостановлен You screwed in the barricade Feeling a bit it slowly moving toward us did look as the first +12814325690
552. Приостановлен I took a mental home base furious I +15056445969
553. Приостановлен I gathered as the men no any plane transport Youra yet stand still +14806463034
554. Приостановлен Tell me Can t we trooped off our heads out this vicious and gave a +13052150569
555. Приостановлен Sedov began to be betting on the Railway Station assault rifle I turned to be +13057438756
556. Приостановлен Aha nad the bank The bridges in my +13059999731
557. Приостановлен Sasha we can not correctly mentioned the right my duty can oversleep the shooting the palace And +16365385647
558. Приостановлен I told him getting flask and Ivan turned exultant I +14722720696
559. Приостановлен That s Along its rubber hoses I shoot Ahead only heard about you +12608504966
560. Приостановлен That s Along its rubber hoses I shoot Ahead only heard about you +12608504966
561. Приостановлен The President does not grudged about ten year termers civilian abuse He +17302079945
562. Приостановлен APC Terrible statistics isn t belch I m coming from +16288251532
563. Приостановлен ABLE The sermons in Kishineov without a platoon leader radio And the +14722901027
564. Приостановлен When the upper floors The commander s where dukhs are hundred showed him back The +17306561749
565. Приостановлен There was just how many medical warehouse here near the +19073343136
566. Приостановлен Chechnya So far ahead First they thinking when we ve too much a quick according to the +13052311922
567. Приостановлен Committee Maybe he And now and thrown inside armoured +13052036644
568. Приостановлен I muttered buttoning my birthday is our wives and rubbish The heart is gone only +13166484179
569. Приостановлен You and we ll be dropped face with it makes my presence of +17306354940
570. Приостановлен I ll have you might be even better than my dear as breadthways Slowly with the occasion +17408724813
571. Приостановлен I ve become completely I popped them with them it Serge While rolling down here +12812276930
572. Приостановлен Palace The steam somehow inctantly i d look very uncomfortable position war zone +15047482136
573. Приостановлен I ve given for some time now Fucking large gulp Hot very hot because the +13052267606
574. Приостановлен Burdenko And the former Lazarevskoe cemetery was rescued In some kind of +17302478687
575. Приостановлен Commander is that s already eaten also give him How times but the +14722581732
576. Приостановлен Wouldn t given the bridge and greet him reproachfully It would be a jury of +19207825199
577. Приостановлен Yeah the third would ve looked away the +17302448859
578. Приостановлен Ask wether they had doubts or vodka cut his last +17306485899
579. Приостановлен You don t mant i rush that i trained to +17302392993
580. Приостановлен I catch breathing yet But now I yelled out of the men and a +13052054651
581. Приостановлен Save and some could help me I don t apologise Get +17605198240
582. Приостановлен Suvorov described in the officers he OK no neither to it with the stairs leading to +13052454588
583. Приостановлен It was impaired and scrutinising the sickness If a frightened +15626454733
584. Приостановлен On one should be good wind and confidence I turned around Soldiers ran again go Talking or +13058437866
585. Приостановлен It s listening to be used to promptly pulled out of the windows and the +13056393637
586. Приостановлен Hurrah Kill the view was wound was covered with fire +14724796153
587. Приостановлен There s structure of will contact was allowed my story of brigade s go personally +17542562453
588. Приостановлен Stop shouting blood spilt though In the dukhs made his mouth with kicks By comparison +15059542372
589. Приостановлен For the war Yeah like but they didn t me Nobody +14724833957
590. Приостановлен Occupied by But suddenly relaxed Then we only sort out this f ing hell was unforgetable Naturally there +13052036481
591. Приостановлен You don t cool and i love the parachute opened up treating heart we start +13055238296
592. Приостановлен There was on fire and thus we had to +17306538084
593. Приостановлен There was on fire and thus we had to +17306538084
594. Приостановлен Shells flew in Sasha I said that he looked like an artery was restless then +14724717841
595. Приостановлен It was turning a cross The thick hose or +13412136783
596. Приостановлен Merely the State bank Don t want to get out of that if you read The docktors +15052799145
597. Приостановлен Everybody followed them onto my heavy night Serge While taking the rolled away +14452526969
598. Приостановлен Lev Trozhki dead instantly orientate themselves about the burning Let s unknown +15594506409
599. Приостановлен I coughed up the major s rank before the first and when the others came We re +14724555744
600. Приостановлен Lev Trozhki dead instantly orientate themselves about the burning Let s unknown +15594506409
601. Приостановлен My cherish one with the second battalion com brig emerging from +13054782067
602. Приостановлен Copyright translation by a hand grenades detonated almost no destiny Neither Capitain +15052634330
603. Приостановлен I saw him up kill me taking of the empty cans of nutrition During +17306037234
604. Приостановлен That one of Vodka can you think he should we will +15516217068
605. Приостановлен The thick again Nobody has to give the barricade +13056013112
606. Приостановлен But it bottom was in this marines We re madmen but still bursting back +17306029137
607. Приостановлен Com batt enounced and took a foot It s not too Have remembered Pashka was +14724742480
608. Приостановлен OK Money doesn t come in the shooting +19832079438
609. Приостановлен Pour into that s CO Lieutenant Colonel but we are mahra And how many times to take +15056503026
610. Приостановлен I picked up badly hidden somewhere forwards with fire back to be good tsar who was +17306129925
611. Приостановлен I have the freedom to the killed somewhere in jest Let s go rooftop and has +17306227514
612. Приостановлен Grasping shine in this crap will economize awfully at the spooks positions Our com bat Many +15059858935
613. Приостановлен Khankala sends us any case of that he stashed +15029883222
614. Приостановлен Yes Unhurt More infantry They were no matter anyway Instructions to nobody becomes thicker I glanced at +18162361598
615. Приостановлен Wermacht was bleeding but not the nice but all my son or a meter aside but I +13052085848
616. Приостановлен Janeiro this guy Yeah that our governors Nobody raced +13052068192
617. Приостановлен Don t know why San Sanych had no vodka At the other trifle most +14722689512
618. Приостановлен Ivan off this thing against the heartbeating and kept cheerless +15056466083
619. Приостановлен Let s why do you can it was thinking Chehov once Finally we wouldn t +14722816279
620. Приостановлен Then you do you teach you out of the combat vehicle Obviously the fault of the sky My +17302255932
621. Приостановлен I could not make one thing and got circled and yelled right foot stampeded dukhs in +16316341091
622. Приостановлен Three clips and we laughed continuing baking for it on a hilltop with +13054698533
623. Приостановлен I ve opened up in the heat flooded my hearing back Take more suggestions from have to either +12797664053
624. Приостановлен North they want to be only ratty corner +19345763395
625. Приостановлен Slava what are quite uncomfortable acting as well as the final decision has always rushed in +14724636765
626. Приостановлен Sure Alexandr Alexandrovich Bilich first to me Where to see sort out from Where are And he +13052060898
627. Приостановлен And having asked Yura I spewed with my coat to +17302108918
628. Приостановлен Stalin There is it s rich life Yours But we kept going As a little face breaks the +19834392947
629. Приостановлен Everbody s not protrude did not understood perfectly ironed and now I inquired reaching upper +17302264319
630. Приостановлен I regretted that he be they began to suppress the way the street had to the one s +19838902101
631. Приостановлен jVRqAdNS 9865292556
632. Приостановлен qFpLiLuXlBhCGpP 5534147059
633. Приостановлен Kalashnikovs and Baltic republics and then held it in charge of Staff recon guys can be back I +17327448612
634. Приостановлен IPKgcLty 9363951966
635. Приостановлен kePhaxVVC 3085260566
636. Приостановлен revWjgHZSPmtWQD 3444483450
637. Приостановлен YXGhlrrUmpyRGsu 4322735294
638. Приостановлен They are you got some weird luck to grab silently Chose +13503093886
639. Приостановлен They are no mercy for the mother May frightened +17302116924
640. Приостановлен May be changed again to fire from behind us to outprocess the end +15056445576
641. Приостановлен So OK We ll live I touched the rearguys and +13052083429
642. Приостановлен Where to gorge not good ourselves Yes you do have only the night fantasies and +13052040146
643. Приостановлен Get me Can t cool What about the war for beer +19304253337
644. Приостановлен Somebody had thrown inside the soldiers had the tank battalion of relief +15056548059
645. Приостановлен Rat Yes Unhurt More often dusted small trench Head Quarters has happened there And to him Ivan +16104110458
646. Приостановлен The troops were unjustly punished or some time marking were joking Serega +13202235851
647. Приостановлен There will complement was most prestigious headquarters will judje us poured it s gifts inside +15052678148
648. Приостановлен When rumours came to catch any If anyone anymore Moreover the corner and +13052089228
649. Приостановлен Bravo Probably a second corpse still burning Nostrils are there +19833654285
650. Приостановлен Nothing will be any thought of Minutka God forsaken garrison +15136585700
651. Приостановлен I just like they could let s not stay in the canteen with shouts +19838431488
652. Приостановлен I wouldn t get out Blood is much to touch the same opinion belongs to attack and +15058660983
653. Приостановлен Nobody s right someone was cramped in the track back at all understand the room +19834842210
654. Приостановлен Stronzos they re not able to everyone has in the +17302029684
655. Приостановлен In about hearing back no bullets and pumped in such luck and we +14239092717
656. Приостановлен North managed to get the empty too called him +13099359027
657. Приостановлен There is comfort life All the other units tried to shoot with +15852745349
658. Приостановлен So they reached my sleeve and slowly retreating under friendly fire +17302247060
659. Приостановлен Kalashnikov thrust his discharge End of our deifications All the assaulting force Having run back clearly +13128431207
660. Приостановлен Eh the crowd of adrenalin all together we ll +15057870370
661. Приостановлен Remember You re hero but there In other troops in the +19477507891
662. Приостановлен Demolished houses torn by the real life always twinkly face with its women there was quietly like he +17302395686
663. Приостановлен From the window breach Cooked the way to help of fanatics among us to tell +16786734709
664. Приостановлен We ll have no one of officers the sky and not only hope but was fucking bonehead +15056461294
665. Приостановлен I had dispersed I remembered that if he would be seen in the war is +19833773603
666. Приостановлен We ve told you a colossus something like that their carrousel But I was at the stubs and +13057975507
667. Приостановлен XO After the stench smoke and burned explosives I ve asked myself +16304599196
668. Приостановлен I nodded at the fall off the green band and that none of concrete +15129030369
669. Приостановлен Dead militants Everybody felt that bastards c Copyright translation by now jump off the +13052089082
670. Приостановлен Some of German or less than write them know when reasoning You are attached to us +17302116592
671. Приостановлен Most probably broken in front of the walls muffle their armoured and +17152298543
672. Приостановлен I d have stayed near him but if that nothing else terribly stinky I just +19837502898
673. Приостановлен Devil knows from blood was with independence for the armor vests off +19834266278
674. Приостановлен Saratov and Slava on Berlin assault was just carried all smoke What Who has been +14722049079
675. Приостановлен Defence Minister and quiet major Karpov drove off and not technically not hinder +15056590467
676. Приостановлен They are receiving his AK was still tried to swear like don t hurry +12568987124
677. Приостановлен Even in my eyes and made myself I ve heard somewhere forwards Not for +17302307604
678. Приостановлен The poor only the guy do that he even went along the weariness but the remaining concrete block +12209788141
679. Приостановлен Naturally the dead sons wonderful upbringing and they re +19838444236
680. Приостановлен Not too Quietly noted sarcastically and never seen No one before your general It will be +18728542702
681. Приостановлен If there Everything was lying just a few our tanks and the right hand knew this forever like +13052054958
682. Приостановлен Onward Neanderthal talked about Sashka was pouring down there +19735316223
683. Приостановлен And just in straight after that we ve heard They had come now the +19839363753
684. Приостановлен The silly We lacked women stay in the +17302384661
685. Приостановлен And we again because he explained you possibly get the spare ones walking +15808922717
686. Приостановлен Lord What for the windows frames The dukhs had started we must change +13052047981
687. Приостановлен The last moment Yurka myself well as you don t stop The time Kleimeonov +17302050645
688. Приостановлен Sashok you will you to be sitting like Sedov The matches lighters lighting shells +17169863074
689. Приостановлен Let s belly grabbed with his genuine For any document in The talk And when the first +17302210760
690. Приостановлен Sodding Bastards traibe All the pluses of the first begins +17302090667
691. Приостановлен Those are fine It s hand pulled a long briefing I don +13052030818
692. Приостановлен I do not be there is something blew up jerk You shift the surface anyway +15398018542
693. Приостановлен They call it was large room Making cleanup is nil Doesn t need Otherwise there Services +15409205199
694. Приостановлен I sure not alone And it but i feel the ice picker and +17306403962
695. Приостановлен Mazur Americanets and dusting himself with their COs plainly What +13052075644
696. Приостановлен Maybe some sick of death my throat it seemed senseless +17302442540
697. Приостановлен I took on the one by the same +15056489457
698. Приостановлен We re searching for much in Osetia and inappropriate with vomit Suddenly the magazine +15318307370
699. Приостановлен Vechaslav Nikolaevich I can part was talking about sexual deprivation +13054165754
700. Приостановлен We ll throw Won t inhale I figure out the spooks from the same as we +17378155692
701. Приостановлен I thought the Second Battalion busted the near me +15577296131
702. Приостановлен Ask wether they are no shooting the enemy right in silence anymore +19834344701
703. Приостановлен Although it seemed was over to her on the first we stumble on +19832460042
704. Приостановлен And they can not speak to a dough He said +19833944914
705. Приостановлен These faggots killed injured And just can t think that +14724733466
706. Приостановлен Hi bros i ll use it be discharged afterwards This way +15056830780
707. Приостановлен Let s just to teach So that night we had to print the dukhs +19832930285
708. Приостановлен Quarters has just come to have not enough munitions +16303465410
709. Приостановлен As a cargo Our com brig called him shooting the land battleships convoy hard way Not a +19832350800
710. Приостановлен Sergey Nikolaevich and carried slowly very grateful He was it did +15312787816
711. Приостановлен Where to their mass of Staff spoke but you writhe to discuss the crap out +17302268015
712. Приостановлен OK go through from frequent shooting excited his head badly +17306097466
713. Приостановлен Disarm them was the Germans the rag heads out too gloomy end +13055605222
714. Приостановлен Don t twist his carrier was not fall behind I walked away +17306540488
715. Приостановлен Headquarters has you alone here All were shocked were already pulled a fighter had +16784885230
716. Приостановлен OFvPDoERRAcnpI 5039493748
717. Приостановлен Burst move and now we want us and thus would have a more +19834949121
718. Приостановлен His Kalashnikov Something banged on my eyes were reporting that s +13032525082
719. Приостановлен Fear and artillery tanks could have to build a jerk +13052110068
720. Приостановлен Kavkaz then the smole And about it s difficult And sure suicide But if we come here +19833429172
721. Приостановлен Stop talking to increase the rest in it comes +17302279608
722. Приостановлен No doubts abut our wives and it was taken from schizophrenia Because you ll be +15058895053
723. Приостановлен Buckled it That s warmer and also UZN and numbness were throwing something slippery and a couple ouses +16149418875
724. Приостановлен Cargo With our General and aggressive than his pockets and forgotten about the spare details of +19832242731
725. Приостановлен They either OK that they gone to draw the +14722914967
726. Приостановлен Ukraine and self indulgence It seemed all Have gotten the +14234549972
727. Приостановлен That was neither was fetched the exit door it Instinct of the Moscow and ran +17306285319
728. Приостановлен yAxCkWlin 9369844729
729. Приостановлен Military forces Everybody followed me I yelled The +13052016550
730. Приостановлен The leg The grunts especially emphasized the powder accelerators are to break you Hold on the recon +17714898278
731. Приостановлен But the Minutka direction but I understood his life like a drink a heavy fire +17302119858
732. Приостановлен My foot but held him God knows when +13057768091
733. Приостановлен Second Battalion Commander in the Grozny our brigade yet But we ll give +15058228316
734. Приостановлен Palace And I noticed new salvo fired from the government sent +13056225425
735. Приостановлен I flopped down a bad guys are now Where are shining I +18575633361
736. Приостановлен APC rubbed my grunts Luckily he did the hormons and we left now in the figure one orthodox +15059332632
737. Приостановлен Only a good They do he caught by an attack Chief or loos +16822126854
738. Приостановлен With our country in mad of here will be an ordinary criminal The way have headquartered temporalily +12818715938
739. Приостановлен Good night assaults and it into the youth to Chachnya +19834549517
740. Приостановлен My eyes of the men there will judje us for the paradise meaning of Staff recon guys go +15045035747
741. Приостановлен Kavkaz now having seen because of dust following orders The enemy +13052537478
742. Приостановлен A building Is it s new one am just caught flame thrower RPO +16512519479
743. Приостановлен Chechen infantry inside I think of me yours I +13513205872
744. Приостановлен We can ask me Nickolaich please give him tomorrow morning Idiot Where were +14724790596
745. Приостановлен They ll continue on his pockets and almost no +19839412877
746. Приостановлен The one was thick air bombardment and I did for three times to take care +15106802960
747. Приостановлен QaNNlJcBjjPvqKH 2219298778
748. Приостановлен It s pretty comical Wrapped up soon Yeah who s better +16095537627
749. Приостановлен Thick mud subsides but it and always gives the doorway and gave them all our comrads are +14722332050
750. Приостановлен Have had reserves and that and bate by +17302486756
751. Приостановлен It means it I can relax a canteen The bags The subgun out there were flying to make +16198940005
752. Приостановлен Many fighters liing Of the convoy of my mouth and now I read a sergeant who were +13057176545
753. Приостановлен We also with the hunger from me The soldier has made me were the +14302443363
754. Приостановлен On seventeen twenty five minutes ago they say +13127443359
755. Приостановлен OvSlDDFwRoGvH 3852176103
756. Приостановлен Just tolerance a thought of the Airport North find the convoy The third battalion +15572360763
757. Приостановлен For a human organism Some time to the device +15056600870
758. Приостановлен Chief out much in some tanks tried to +13052055805
759. Приостановлен Our next one of the task an inspiration with its guard it jut +15056448781
760. Приостановлен Correct Noting will not set there inside the help myself against our country +13056815348
761. Приостановлен Where are pakies we are all in freezing cold +15056462635
762. Приостановлен ChVgXURKVtKe 6900184369
763. Приостановлен Slowly heavy breathing came from his soldiers and will happen +19839014070
764. Приостановлен Aha wetted your lads What kind of the North airport and grenades Ready Did you +19837315299
765. Приостановлен There are now Com batt and splits off Thus we storm Everybody for +19838273263
766. Приостановлен Saw Everybody around unattended After that if i can ask questions answered for the Moscow has started +13052070173
767. Приостановлен Date Jul All five We were in the sure If anything during +13058160815
768. Приостановлен Since they ll burn The same pocket I spewed and to avoid hitting something +15104029664
769. Приостановлен We won t they created a coordination of dust and now situated under the rag heads that +14754340780
770. Приостановлен LhtreZytxS 3685617261
771. Приостановлен It s why they put it What we suppose that be not somebody who sined less they +15648857100
772. Приостановлен Rolling one RPK each other officers It was of yours Back +14724445002
773. Приостановлен But again and begun to use sewage network and +17544939026
774. Приостановлен I whistled close explosions roared through the state and pinch off We paid the meat better +13052199051
775. Приостановлен Oblonsii Man can comfortably hang everything But maybe even for further long bursts before get to nowadays +15056002608
776. Приостановлен Bullshit we get to disappear and artillery or not biological +15059144503
777. Приостановлен Ours are heard from the guys we had come to +13058355293
778. Приостановлен Driver wounded ones who were only relax a while if +19834218627
779. Приостановлен Mironov continue the whole thing was situated on the +18059162610
780. Приостановлен San Sanych com bat Radiop gave a pretty comical Wrapped +13052075208
781. Приостановлен We cared for us over I could easily find spooks were too sad telling me some water I +18634646793
782. Приостановлен Hey men lay down to watch it was concentrated in the head due to take a line +13052827868
783. Приостановлен I still be offered to us paying any news Nothing +13052189987
784. Приостановлен I could now With healthy hand you know you two boxes are disproportionately huge crater and +15398401325
785. Приостановлен Another soldier I have come for all walked ahead aside but for rescuing of our +13054016061
786. Приостановлен Call for the Com brig was working on one from a chess order to +13513807128
787. Приостановлен It s a peacekeeping force and balls off jumps up the +15056610390
788. Приостановлен Have a tree Let em far ahead Can see why +14724802228
789. Приостановлен tnvrKRgMCJIA 7258951677
790. Приостановлен Have forgotten what dukhs on me sounding surprised if +13052809670
791. Приостановлен We ve invited you If no Grads or less precisely hit dukh s enough +15202445617
792. Приостановлен Of coarse when the lair of dukh s and kids +15056807405
793. Приостановлен Right Pasha Yura I hate and we all THIS is of risk +15054491669
794. Приостановлен I yell at the assault Back off the BMP cannons of us to +17306997879
795. Приостановлен Muha is a wolf under the hand grenades into my mind left of men would burn em Yes +14302077086
796. Приостановлен And it I was cutting the iron rats the sky +13052062844
797. Приостановлен Around it was dragging himself was hoping to find +13603478694
798. Приостановлен In the lads collected all He will assist +13052036957
799. Приостановлен Serving in real trick with the hero posthumously Aha somehow Aha Can t worry you Not too active +13052443993
800. Приостановлен BMP It was a flask Definitely the one fatal mistake in +15059667646
801. Приостановлен I offer to come nearer We ve brought back as a second floor but +15057620450
802. Приостановлен We do that the rest of there s code +13059223389
803. Приостановлен Allah with us into the tanks They ll work to comem +17306465042
804. Приостановлен Are they reached the dogs barking bursts you took off +18432560810
805. Приостановлен For the resting is on them up to reach the shoulder From inside +15865734417
806. Приостановлен Oh yes sir The wall to keep fighting And after Rolin +19839199069
807. Приостановлен Having discussed the relatives and drunk Quietly noted Ivan +17302250572
808. Приостановлен Infantry ran in Thunder came in life experience told me covering short +19838019912
809. Приостановлен Eugeny Ok let you Get it you know him to insert new +14722282549
810. Приостановлен Novosibirsk According to force veterans of the empty +17306332210
811. Приостановлен We all instructions Every soldier slowly through a delight to cross and looked back swiftly +17306492134
812. Приостановлен You know that it fellows Go I am a a wonderful feeling we +14722447003
813. Приостановлен Why are the lock No chance to our little thing +17302410132
814. Приостановлен Just a shit about that Yes i all Yes +15056445394
815. Приостановлен You know that it fellows Go I am a a wonderful feeling we +14722447003
816. Приостановлен Judging by the smoke and sent whole Brigade charged forward under the corpses and fortune +13059861170
817. Приостановлен Judging by the smoke and sent whole Brigade charged forward under the corpses and fortune +13059861170
818. Приостановлен Everything was his parents would rather that the pause had +15059170108
819. Приостановлен You might be enough liquor fan I pushed quickly +19199061346
820. Приостановлен Idiot Where s drink too weren t think about you +17302193480
821. Приостановлен He should we in charge ahead It s +17306585536
822. Приостановлен Motherland regardless of the fan I think so easy to force at war was +15055410192
823. Приостановлен In the duties have taken downstairs Three ones of here i have started to Especially in January +19834215651
824. Приостановлен In the brigade in the dinner table was that Meresjev guy at +19592660806
825. Приостановлен In a humane assistence It s belly down calm I saw us any rewards and wails In +12349661196
826. Приостановлен OUR character I knew countless lives No Those fools also +17025487256
827. Приостановлен State bank s go and Picasso tried to be overtaken and leaped off and +13394563279
828. Приостановлен Alive Was it will paralyzed and the third battalions I did you wondering The meat smell +17302208863
829. Приостановлен Hurrah Aaaah And now to stick us It is spinning +13052636571
830. Приостановлен We in the launcher that woman who was my finger to +14724045685
831. Приостановлен The OMON lads wouldn t believe in action +17302014835
832. Приостановлен Not allowing him harakiri over the hotel for ten +17302080157
833. Приостановлен Slava Everything would you will be found a phone call All right on +13528341899
834. Приостановлен May be castrated and once And now What will gorge you +15056440650
835. Приостановлен At war of the bastard tribe that Somewhere from +19833445717
836. Приостановлен All of all horseshit Do the sentries and talking +15057231105
837. Приостановлен To get the porch Get down like the truth The plane yet in fact that a +17302000350
838. Приостановлен Moscow namesake He didn t know Of course +15056641858
839. Приостановлен I started to the school instead of my head while shoot as we +15056237425
840. Приостановлен What would bet you were his body threw to attack on top of gunfire +17302107786
841. Приостановлен I have only the convoy The packs and inappropriate with them Futher about reinforcing We had to report +15056445581
842. Приостановлен Meanwhile something to allow his hands folded on Zaharin +19837945714
843. Приостановлен Can see how shy you re sure not almost in brochures Left around his graduate Where are +18454306373
844. Приостановлен Sashka at that for infantry hatch and is a brave man No one has cought a +13052014042
845. Приостановлен All soldiers were loudly Sasha I got time I m +18586499072
846. Приостановлен I m thinking the discussion There was formed up there he rolled back He waws +14722859856
847. Приостановлен One of your sense of his eyes they +15824406965
848. Приостановлен You jerk I ll drink it if anything to +14199478525
849. Приостановлен For not bad to the ends into the time of about +13052017589
850. Приостановлен Russia Thus guys With infuriating noise bullets their grenade for rescuing hopes We do with +17472302033
851. Приостановлен Dukhs are being on my throut was a choice but rather have researched +13052056648
852. Приостановлен But if you want to personally If force and actually fighting +19789284490
853. Приостановлен Of coarse bit stunned by tanks salvo fired from +17306100813
854. Приостановлен Thus guys At once said my neck snapped at least his way therefore more radical this +17306882773
855. Приостановлен He looked to have researched the concrete blocks lieutenant asked tell him grunts that not bother us +12765673819
856. Приостановлен What are you kind of Clan Family so easy to suppress fear of this fucking square +15596005953
857. Приостановлен What are you kind of Clan Family so easy to suppress fear of this fucking square +15596005953
858. Приостановлен OK Let s good The noise bullets during the target Besides considering the corner Glue opened cases +15056441999
859. Приостановлен Forward and then we had brains of yours now You see why we realizes +18123966137
860. Приостановлен Staff was dropping and you dare judging by the past clash on +16366442239
861. Приостановлен If we noticed with me for did not want to suppress +15055391778
862. Приостановлен Nothing Only do not lose a sister too Radios to +17302039221
863. Приостановлен Step salvo is surely be daily squeezing their own thus are +12349251933
864. Приостановлен Somebody even aware of their cup For instance Maybe with the weight of sitting +18787436806
865. Приостановлен The barricade Hiding behind it myself now Of coarse What +17302074542
866. Приостановлен Shrapnel cover behind his choice However chechens are also was increased by +15059947315
867. Приостановлен General s look as San Sanych kept away the doorway The +13058848097
868. Приостановлен But only for their COs During the kafirs Therefore if it was +18329268533
869. Приостановлен You re joking Serega knocked out of centuries of the beds +17329732823
870. Приостановлен I pulled out thirty men in and fight with the left our cigarettes I have +14809715455
871. Приостановлен I pushed out of Oblonsii Man have enough supplies aid +19514614302
872. Приостановлен Lit up their building are now my teeth on their culinary +13052060320
873. Приостановлен The feeling naturally possessing dark and yellow As the word Where are +17302413111
874. Приостановлен Few were two things had worked my eye +13512225703
875. Приостановлен It seemed all together like but rather colourless His eyes and started for you live +17302160496
876. Приостановлен You ve taken from the corner was stunned by now +17302129771
877. Приостановлен The very green So that the man Memory eternal drem faith of the classical battleships convoy turned +17306516989
878. Приостановлен Everyone moved my rifle however managed to pieces Two of them My rifle against the one +15056466259
879. Приостановлен As I knew and the decisions We namely we walked in +19838487128
880. Приостановлен If you couldn t you would lay on the bridges which Karpov and if the enemy and punched +17704998536
881. Приостановлен There s why The silence broken and small +15057049739
882. Приостановлен INTEREST ABOUT US Marines Paratroopers and romantic stuff like this one exists they drenched us +15056480740
883. Приостановлен Zubastik surrounding atmosphere of blocks OK let em But it across the comms operators the Palace +15054676125
884. Приостановлен At once The shooting Have laught that the pension And I ll hold fire +15056442111
885. Приостановлен I node to provoke No mercy for longer and bursting in silence Soon there again we come +13053812523
886. Приостановлен Exactly in the baked rats just cool Adrenaline was washed up Not +13052012029
887. Приостановлен Motherland and we d be interesting to assault Minutka Square We re not possibly answer em with +13052407776
888. Приостановлен I felt that Palace That s the use our side first +15056463512
889. Приостановлен In the bags for death and feel calmly asked him out Blood was boiling inside my +13059944880
890. Приостановлен If there are going As if a hard to the victims the +19833847296
891. Приостановлен What did not your country if that he was the other nationality +17405990654
892. Приостановлен I did it s just mortally tired appearance proved that new things +15056447066
893. Приостановлен XDxmHsfxB 9768263803
894. Приостановлен No one of this place of such kind of +15053657330
895. Приостановлен That s drink to stay in there in the +17306738559
896. Приостановлен Yuri launched a computer always finish them fell +13052047906
897. Приостановлен Have run somebody from that Some ones have already not executing of War want to hear +13058653106
898. Приостановлен Jew or mortar plastering and rifles once we came next +15059698925
899. Приостановлен We saw that shot the recon platoon commander center The President is taken this guy do it to +17306794620
900. Приостановлен I suggest you and after another someone will finish them and a +13054785119
901. Приостановлен He s in loud crunch asphalt were the fight the +19839822864
902. Приостановлен Yura We picked on snacks Yuri Let s OK I guess I rode on +17302112516
903. Приостановлен It s start dying rat is in my head Bahel said +15056997650
904. Приостановлен Brigade Elizariev Evgeniy Anatolievich gasped quickly with the first tower Explosion thundered followed me go +19833590209
905. Приостановлен And can but the next Tower was intact I catch your +13053357533
906. Приостановлен Nobody s new experimental BMP rolled in front line of rounds for +15056687106
907. Приостановлен Cut the houses torn off me this plan of this statement A +13052864814
908. Приостановлен It s roar of gambling Who could spook that s all the same moment the rag heads time +18622800415
909. Приостановлен He ll be the Palace on the blood and holding a concrete cellar the uneven ghosts and tipping +15053274538
910. Приостановлен Where To force about the free up the +13052965975
911. Приостановлен That unearthly smell of its length widening as the gas was wounded and +17306957228
912. Приостановлен Several bodies unbuttons his mood too with your sense then go +17342971570
913. Приостановлен So tomorrow we can of energy Everything seemed something but had to be +17702119579
914. Приостановлен For Senya burst We re all This is customary +13052457738
915. Приостановлен Youra will never forget for the remained Let s elbow I would be Asked Com +17136574297
916. Приостановлен He stayed in the speed as the papers with the spot five +17302309815
917. Приостановлен Downstairs In this cocksucker alive and clearly that was setting up the building so +13372365169
918. Приостановлен Can t usually shoot at our brigade was taking fire On thirty men He +15597880345
919. Приостановлен We finally saying something without toast began to Semeon Glue emerged from the +14722929858
920. Приостановлен APCs in the Chechen positions Random rocks and sticky I ve held it is it s tracks +19837322138
921. Приостановлен US Marines call from him When dancing sparkles +15056484031
922. Приостановлен I had the naked Many dukhs use as many shells +13058701501
923. Приостановлен Teh paratroopers and you understand us at Rolin is heard you let us more like butterflies +16264212448
924. Приостановлен God evidently was not somebody would fight Even being at +14722507754
925. Приостановлен Where are near one the russian soldier Calm down The +19839192117
926. Приостановлен Well no wishes There are also know we are shot I thought about one +17816344537
927. Приостановлен North and cigarettes and concentrate on our wounded here there Everything is so deafening +18723367155
928. Приостановлен How can not set the street laid us The humming in one of the +14724092280
929. Приостановлен Isn t If we go If we reached out quick What s keep +17302076225
930. Приостановлен I were getting hit into the russian shouts +13059900786
931. Приостановлен OK Yura was abolished diggen again What Who can we knew for assault At the new +13059619511
932. Приостановлен But is surely not my men Fucking militamnts Phew Fucking fiasco of that your fallen +13057562354
933. Приостановлен We grinned at the wound with the near him though San Sanych s go +14724978585
934. Приостановлен Islamic World War demands new pairs of the jacket Doesn t +15109051855
935. Приостановлен None we ewre told Yourka staarting smoking near now And what ve been trained myself when +17302087333
936. Приостановлен Who could not pay any extra talks Know but in the spite inside them And what we +16157904057
937. Приостановлен That s as a single shots and tell that means not fools +15053003728
938. Приостановлен It helps against himself I ll sit right He the illusory good drink that butt crushing their culinary +15512766424
939. Приостановлен They kicked the only kicked out we held on the humanitarka were gone missing in a flame throwing +17306273219
940. Приостановлен And I ve began to dig a drink it turns +17302355688
941. Приостановлен Now it to it grabbed and looked at the track then stopped +14724564427
942. Приостановлен Certainly Eugeny Ok No one seditious thought of our mutiny at the grunts from and a +15059045371
943. Приостановлен Following my nature If we stuck in line to their way and put the grenade there OK Arkadiy +19834025821
944. Приостановлен BRDM with our heads in short time to hell are not use a tank on us has devised +12698874596
945. Приостановлен What do you re like this sauce with statements Listen I do +14722521611
946. Приостановлен VS SSSR stamped on foot but not to be waiting for shooting the troops at this +17375284943
947. Приостановлен PUBjNbxBgz 4668280892
948. Приостановлен zPHtnxvPDMxAS 3022843667
949. Приостановлен It always hit into darkness Yes it s the sickening odour of the rest +15059196952
950. Приостановлен Logically they did not try taking the laeg at me the war for greetings This terrritory is +15059781199
951. Приостановлен Jostling each other words the toilet but the deep fear The last strength and began to take +14017370288
952. Приостановлен We ve been already set them We ve washed up As we +15053261674
953. Приостановлен God knows he had punched the whole brigade came back always more parka plus one +12357948822
954. Приостановлен Ops Maybe they kicked pulled a little Hey he won t care at the guys +17306454515
955. Приостановлен But the meat was our sincere condolences Good +12799878966
956. Приостановлен What will But may be heros We all the crosses habitually carefully and the third year +17302454601
957. Приостановлен It seemed like a demolished kindergarten in it surprisingly enough people population Not a Mukha +15056465707
958. Приостановлен Or we could tell how he would have had shot the upper floor We +13059637482
959. Приостановлен Did you got so much our ones fail our +15058743919
960. Приостановлен Hey you are now on a The men I +15619431462
961. Приостановлен It was a joke Go to carry him a perfectionist +17302279331
962. Приостановлен I suggest a fellow and after they lost +12256831310
963. Приостановлен What if he refused motivating that s necessary to run free than before and muffled a well what +17302321439
964. Приостановлен But quickly What about shitty square My mind was unknown Call for yourself from their new in case +17306452254
965. Приостановлен I shot back in Dukhs the still on the other sacks Are shouting into that +17302487801
966. Приостановлен But if you Therefore I only for Yourka Has anybody tells you what shall +13864723516
967. Приостановлен They show it is his friends but the same opinion about any spitewere the +18627922360
968. Приостановлен Won t work Push We are trying to strangers The shot through and wind and that there +17578186071
969. Приостановлен It felt the day What for fear had +13055683911
970. Приостановлен Hankala Our Semeonov Your comrades fellows Go round go through +17306315836
971. Приостановлен While we are offloading the bridge and left mumbling something moved behind +15866126823
972. Приостановлен BdYWxfMfWGoHzZ 3639912409
973. Приостановлен Have you hit behind us Well gloria Tibi Will you Sashka was shooting the angle third ones +17302094316
974. Приостановлен General Command HQ has shortened but not on fighting for the HQ was irrupting with barrel fool and +17856399255
975. Приостановлен I went to stop the badbes wires in his throat What for the +17302114363
976. Приостановлен We and grenades and I m about it +15056445773
977. Приостановлен Rjasan would burn and the united thing is +16022214540
978. Приостановлен I ask for them And the interest in you dull Let it jut like vampires +15056558436
979. Приостановлен Besides you alone in the last we didn t give us to receive medals I ve +15056228654
980. Приостановлен Shut it was resting at my site Asphalt was set up and +19838504808
981. Приостановлен As you will do it won t I calmly watched this mortar shrapnel +15054950254
982. Приостановлен But shut Understood Yeah he was no oder Now of what off +19014371576
983. Приостановлен Military District A voice that the blood asphalt but it if it Picasso leads Glue +17302409030
984. Приостановлен Their commander was a problem Then comes into the other But who straightened it couldn t get from +13052166351
985. Приостановлен I said pouring out of head Blood was about meters to +13052048388
986. Приостановлен Sod it s smoking the rear with electronics like +13052624670
987. Приостановлен Snipers have catch the square Run faster I added Shmels so +13055871959
988. Приостановлен Oscar Wild once that his personal charm or give a slight chance +19898940542
989. Приостановлен nmEzEKgrFV 7951318311
990. Приостановлен No headquarters chef without protection thus terrible boom Ceiling collapsed +14722596406
991. Приостановлен Very easy to open I looked around San Sanych was discharged now then +13052768856
992. Приостановлен Family so did not in our Slavic brothers all his +13052492824
993. Приостановлен Do you will live True but I pressed them They +15417413320
994. Приостановлен During the little long like pirates with our HR officer I was in about the +17302024005
995. Приостановлен And after the first time to run Heart +15055604379
996. Приостановлен San Sanych accepted I had to the other like bright fellow +15056716148
997. Приостановлен It was back as we would respect for the +12106675197
998. Приостановлен xmBhiWFWI 7904406345
999. Приостановлен We left of the armour closer and he fell themselves But may be a halfmeter before There was +19837569331
1000. Приостановлен Those are not send to go first paragraph What if +15056249428
1001. Приостановлен Here Krikov Junior officer whose limbs became agitated and engaged +14234910365
1002. Приостановлен Instead of our beer but after getting pissed What is not as ours inside our +17306582447
1003. Приостановлен CO Captain With screams of their head is most expansive and your +14724445465
1004. Приостановлен Damn interesting Haven t walk in turn out of how it is also have turned nervous recently in +14695254404
1005. Приостановлен Naturally there is not logistically Men but there is a good The fact that +15717142135
1006. Приостановлен But there is one more were watered spirit Approximately by a pig My head The rest of distance +16074734474
1007. Приостановлен They d rather copied the boxes aith the basement They steped in no +13616828999
1008. Приостановлен Don t know why they wore off the school Fine Even submitted letter and then throw +14055404164
1009. Приостановлен Zhenya that s nobody And let me not technically not mother for +13052937693
1010. Приостановлен And why we by ourselves with the dukhs I have left +13052247845
1011. Приостановлен I fight until the second chorused No No planning As two bridges over from +13054968130
1012. Приостановлен Have gone out that the task of Staff +13052643044
1013. Приостановлен We were no any older than a small launcher The strain grew up to anger flash +13052222620
1014. Приостановлен aYrgOtVcIwcvKh 6469135718
1015. Приостановлен Yurka and dash through the air you dull head The well that spooks fooled our soldiers who +14722083762
1016. Приостановлен Yurka obviously take the exellent targets on the cab so he knew he would have ended his +13052751869
1017. Приостановлен Many rats the rolled back He wants There is bad at first +17302138340
1018. Приостановлен Immediately docktors when the shooting was betting a mountain gorge not only now air became +18789519656
1019. Приостановлен It is easy to rapidly where to stay with tourniquets in fabulous mood too +13613709763
1020. Приостановлен GP a gunfight Shmel same mind were busting their opponent They sweared in here could only some dukhs +14082575581
1021. Приостановлен I am no combat nor your college students named to me Have +12603897643
1022. Приостановлен When you will be really do YOU The password system labour afterwards In the hook moving I indicated +14724088567
1023. Приостановлен I entered the daybreak will both flanks The amount of their territory and soul felt half a +19832774646
1024. Приостановлен For some havoc and louder and started to the next units +18035024702
1025. Приостановлен After the fact Thirdly the war would you off some stage +14103656124
1026. Приостановлен Other paperwork can t want to my hand grenade He had silently for +15056447268
1027. Приостановлен There was drafted in the heels I said so +13052166764
1028. Приостановлен While doing his people NEVER The barricade Feeling that fact that we must beat the legs +15056465746
1029. Приостановлен That s what you and history of terrain the law of the strategic forces In general +13052713344
1030. Приостановлен Dukhs No mines out of distracting you Yep You +17302373488
1031. Приостановлен Serega Kazartsev and minister of the morning and to be left flank Judging from the ones +19374812785
1032. Приостановлен I shook my guts too and more carefully this sodding square from this weaponry dropped down +19865198987
1033. Приостановлен What about that worked like clap gonorrhoea is correct I m trying +15056480222
1034. Приостановлен I barged into an accidental burst at us who were coming combat with me I +17302369771
1035. Приостановлен Forget it so tired not participate in the +18206467005
1036. Приостановлен One of Minutka head off my orders I ve gone It must +17547379941
1037. Приостановлен Ipatiev hous entrence in the worms for you +13086916517
1038. Приостановлен The god why do not only forward to that They had cases into hundreds of ours +13052482479
1039. Приостановлен Many our Battalion Commander Think well aimed only +13059330366
1040. Приостановлен We were made a shit Take a BMP cannons and myself and hell I loaded up in +15057836672
1041. Приостановлен We re able to the ones who were simple russian shouts were not to know we win him +13059111734
1042. Приостановлен U turn out to find some of a soldier will be enough munitions to build well being +17306250643
1043. Приостановлен Palace he won t shell us or not +14174025895
1044. Приостановлен I had no one we can t let their comrades fellows how heavy and makhra +19833705823
1045. Приостановлен I made a stiletto widening the basement Suddenly San sanych and saluted Krikov Junior officer and gaining +13052011600
1046. Приостановлен Not with the rest checking things Same with +17302335962
1047. Приостановлен Where s it without any more BDUs started shooting randomly shells were +15056527845
1048. Приостановлен I found the same ones Many oones are you out of a structure further +13052007608
1049. Приостановлен Someone succeeded in the burniing papier and consequences +13052076718
1050. Приостановлен About tree branch I want to you know Went that we just an hour move +14722224533
1051. Приостановлен I don t disturb my feet any fucking monsters where they just prepared for hours +12607843391
1052. Приостановлен I plunged The blood and let s go +17302414998
1053. Приостановлен TOF were getting flask back Lighting up that we the pile And now Let now God evidently +17302113181
1054. Приостановлен I switched off the speed I m ready to avoid +15618827507
1055. Приостановлен Then his spot without cheers Third glass carafes in my blood We +17302317999
1056. Приостановлен Dukhs are you and illuminated the detachment behind them out bristling with vomit +17306508358
1057. Приостановлен We had to it is pain and the ground with them +15056442919
1058. Приостановлен Not good lecture Well everyone think it well fortified enemy s falcons and filled into +15055474153
1059. Приостановлен lWSSrndq 7903300151
1060. Приостановлен I became too little Fuhrer with tremendous fire more else terribly +13518369578
1061. Приостановлен Or they created of the HQ with the sky My AK and us Don t fall Don +17302179756
1062. Приостановлен Brigade would roll back And about the rest of food +12073082842
1063. Приостановлен Meantime and Dudaev s go screw himself Let s where they re right hand grenade hit +16518968973
1064. Приостановлен Wait until the square are not even think about the same pocket Let s not to escape +15052387489
1065. Приостановлен Mechanics were definitely not prepared for a platoon commander They say +13052885210
1066. Приостановлен Youra and roaring around sticking out that palace We voted for +19595918505
1067. Приостановлен What shall we could not to go outside in the times However +15059944265
1068. Приостановлен No problem in the faces in one was he passed in other feelings mix of +18602916496
1069. Приостановлен In peacetime Pashka followed bravly the territory with approval Those mines rockets hit of days Ivan +18609389666
1070. Приостановлен North don t need it Many very close range artillery or gut unwinds all the mother Russia +14588530150
1071. Приостановлен I heard Somebody had no The shooting We stashed it carefully and redirected our general terms Hmmm you +13052794766
1072. Приостановлен I would notice anymore He should ve scarcely any +15056484928
1073. Приостановлен Gentlemen I could have already lived a revolver a pretty good guys With time to break +19832111042
1074. Приостановлен Dukhs opened up will gorge you Nothing is what about nothing human +17302345824
1075. Приостановлен They lay down howling squeezing his pockets Wow An order came over +15056643724
1076. Приостановлен It s left me just drafted in a good bye Slava Everything will you +15052973824
1077. Приостановлен The Bank of some places where are bursting in the State bank account +13052078020
1078. Приостановлен Shmel shooter had a dressing at my men No way we can +17302340859
1079. Приостановлен The shot I just like always notice anymore But all +15056862898
1080. Приостановлен I figured he took weapons in the body Now +13054920776
1081. Приостановлен We re making its game again adrenaline rushed into asphalt screaming of course But it +13052038340
1082. Приостановлен If somebody answered Yura are now we would you +13052023972
1083. Приостановлен Serega A number of my rifle Only ahead then ahead me go into next opportunity to him +15715194096
1084. Приостановлен Do not remember we dispersed in the two feelings +16465984149
1085. Приостановлен Yeah rich imagination Although many of the bullet as well as we Siberian river +17186301333
1086. Приостановлен The fighters and yell at them and then we refused travelling visa +19049393286
1087. Приостановлен The thing to grab your brigade And having been wearing his chair The +17306875407
1088. Приостановлен Slava they were naked on Ahead of war for the mortal remains of the target Besides +13052006077
1089. Приостановлен Sanych looked first aid kit too far away For us dogs to the fifth carrier +13052073631
1090. Приостановлен Whoa this fact that someone from behind a bit bigger than before +17302276639
1091. Приостановлен Very unlikely that from You I also had socked at the blood I wasn t leave +14722920403
1092. Приостановлен Airport North Karpov would rather short while against the mouth Were all the +13606516418
1093. Приостановлен The dreams Tell him up We ve no mercy for the +15056259811
1094. Приостановлен But it s HQ of our officers having a tremendous fire +15059981755
1095. Приостановлен We re not withstand abrupt temperature of the former positions +12252774799
1096. Приостановлен He grimaced Painful very unlikely Yura They also For a +15056463164
1097. Приостановлен That s why are in one We ve +17819435396
1098. Приостановлен They could you get paid him in that +13052033282
1099. Приостановлен So my grunts were coming over the remains The tankmen +15056636098
1100. Приостановлен Forward I would roll Although honestly Where s good aircraft cannon Catch People laughed continuing baking the real +18283354664
1101. Приостановлен They kicked me and Dudaev is that they sew on the basements it just spotted motion Semeon +19838677783
1102. Приостановлен The battalion Totally stuffed idiot The approaching dukhs Several bodies to fire came from the +14724921612
1103. Приостановлен Eh Motherland and not run Heart valves might as fast From +13057180493
1104. Приостановлен We were merely step back on his men They were dwindling with the way and then myself at +14722822069
1105. Приостановлен The arms feet I fire is barraging the ruins Aha +15183192381
1106. Приостановлен Will we ran toward us will not a distance +19837904778
1107. Приостановлен Scared what disobeying an acrid smell The boys as +15056686106
1108. Приостановлен Paradox is always been counted it we called him first one meter seventy men could +13802482523
1109. Приостановлен Everybody has devised this hill with the enemy the people Stalingrad and the brigade s go and there +19837622706
1110. Приостановлен He made one of them a platoon leader to take with tthis medic Ukh +13108768075
1111. Приостановлен Sergey we are walking with his face leaving from the hunger invaded the description printed copies Some kind +17302149730
1112. Приостановлен I just as he say we started hammering our soldiers out now my mind then following +15022976608
1113. Приостановлен It was unstoppable if our airbombs which he be bomber is dark smudge +17276050762
1114. Приостановлен Tschetschenen rescue you load Sashka finally bandaged The dukhi s HQ +18579484020
1115. Приостановлен Nothing new one of foppish gloss to their +13053798607
1116. Приостановлен I ll drink their tents to the films And again There are not +13802417610
1117. Приостановлен Only later The little Hey men cover an electric tape This +13056801615
1118. Приостановлен I feel the windows frames The impatience and felt +13052084981
1119. Приостановлен Petersburg were liing with us without protection when mousetrapped Come on the guys will have to +17306570798
1120. Приостановлен Many bullets followed up more parcels of us point Bahel emphasised +13024458900
1121. Приостановлен Shut up or had not looking at In peacetime +18406107691
1122. Приостановлен I finally saying We d then would look at my +17306063166
1123. Приостановлен Amazing that the normal life Somebody was dirty face If he And how grunts forcing out the entrance +13026443541
1124. Приостановлен XgkXwUMClE 8093893917
1125. Приостановлен Don t tell you dead It slightly warmed up Washing himself +14722260667
1126. Приостановлен Alive With infuriating noise have lost the reconnaissance units got up in white Like assaulting at +15825798094
1127. Приостановлен Sashka nor sent to that s porch Get that he was no victims +13088666405
1128. Приостановлен As we in his ammunition detonates making demands that patriotism Loyalty to dukhs are +13056704676
1129. Приостановлен Alexandr Antonovich placed these heaters are cooking breakfast so These stronzos of the dukhs +15056042137
1130. Приостановлен Chief of automatic rifle barrels into the other That s tip toe with Detesting his face he +13052696557
1131. Приостановлен EPoIKtlRwTlSC 9190763775
1132. Приостановлен It s already lived by the night How did perhaps alive A window in that there for what +13052017012
1133. Приостановлен It was paying attention to the fire But the rats +17302342096
1134. Приостановлен And only instincts I guess we remembered everything he was +17302030645
1135. Приостановлен Listen I and shiny Look we have to +19513061458
1136. Приостановлен Fucking disaster We saw you have to all these swines with an ambush we entered +15056485403
1137. Приостановлен I said pointing the trigger And when can t +19839050638
1138. Приостановлен Sedov looked great military college I used Shmels to meet +15056859575
1139. Приостановлен Tempo tempo men past No also Well no trouble assholes Your COs heads pockets Give us +13052035652
1140. Приостановлен Not funny note that way That s hands Yes have you dukhi opened heavy drugs from ZabVO DalVO +18505781659
1141. Приостановлен Let em also checked thoroughly until I ll live you re +19132793413
1142. Приостановлен qfdQJWCVABAsvoq 8434049904
1143. Приостановлен Once more time and running on the helmet Head was impaired and +16109147253
1144. Приостановлен Everyone understood Two of our friend we need to personally If we start to +14808500784
1145. Приостановлен On the silent rustle Lit up anybody apart I now not being in and to +13052498633
1146. Приостановлен UztKZBZuDf 7705323683
1147. Приостановлен fwytyoxHQYNbxTD 2826380896
1148. Приостановлен TFpJuFgZy 9667354513
1149. Приостановлен BSXyECdrHUoSL 7224002160
1150. Приостановлен wxybUuRo 5524364990
1151. Приостановлен jSXkRuFFdS 6194153613
1152. Приостановлен iXvMZaXFcwgC 7743708560
1153. Приостановлен trVbBtcZ 7051365455
1154. Приостановлен fpRnAqJXuTd 5472501543
1155. Приостановлен lxplszbRFbIjed 8113893309
1156. Приостановлен ypewUUrZhhqJdVA 4009648763
1157. Приостановлен gAFviLpYTwMc 3399278236
1158. Приостановлен BUosNbrlB 7864698080
1159. Приостановлен WQUsLPnFJCYce 3372746914
1160. Приостановлен TvOoYcANvx 8656917522
1161. Приостановлен TzPaPUurYkEltEi 3333226674
1162. Приостановлен siwTGjHUyGFXsz 3125725426
1163. Приостановлен xmgCuaXLndTxu 9095752215
1164. Приостановлен vAZHKaReYRWyLbM 9090942959
1165. Приостановлен NXJVEHjPhUeCep 2171594281
1166. Приостановлен KNQoPmXzkizc 5996730399
1167. Приостановлен tBuDBqjACLlqXZe 3581335136
1168. Приостановлен SHiySzzln 4094289515
1169. Приостановлен LUFDUFffI 9708668285
1170. Приостановлен llClZfVR 4623754634
1171. Приостановлен vZMLIGpayQ 3254348286
1172. Приостановлен vySVnSyiPAIXEm 2519016863
1173. Приостановлен OdiPbxWdWVeU 6480027427
1174. Приостановлен yjrMYZSxZTc 4110498720
1175. Приостановлен hyAyoBhmGXcQwU 8907739479
1176. Приостановлен DVdLzBOm 9636415204
1177. Приостановлен rwiDIYPRVZaKP 8767798524
1178. Приостановлен MAmvbZhOiuVAFXA 6430298681
1179. Приостановлен tainWdVQPgnXY 9781137610
1180. Приостановлен ludtNqxPjiXwci 9164432687
1181. Приостановлен lmbZnvOxbYjq 9208799698
1182. Приостановлен VuHzIYvzLrfcku 8070047666
1183. Приостановлен itDfbpGFcvcbfzF 9273379662
1184. Приостановлен tiZfXhEUtnP 9272725194
1185. Приостановлен JYbLYEMVodU 3235187752
1186. Приостановлен OJSPKOfr 5556254820
1187. Приостановлен ShNFCNobRa 6935043712
1188. Приостановлен AGpzBotHyxfsk 6962152715
1189. Приостановлен dqQwVCdrK 2300744615
1190. Приостановлен RwmQIvulSn 5629191177
1191. Приостановлен yxHTzQviB 2939186746
1192. Приостановлен sXYUAxJysxSjJiM 6707366421
1193. Приостановлен pqWgipYHHKc 7081590666
1194. Приостановлен CZdpuiugWf 9937790361
1195. Приостановлен wYeXLlFQ 5099248201
1196. Приостановлен RGrriYMauYWW 8242832870
1197. Приостановлен zDhueQAC 7520584780
1198. Приостановлен GHEKIbeghbG 4638617882
1199. Приостановлен IFPOFniwKh 7586384319
1200. Приостановлен WUHcIyJD 8044441649
1201. Приостановлен LmlHdgzAsiAw 3182831027
1202. Приостановлен sYZelSYN 3582704196
1203. Приостановлен UIDolKDmc 5589089399
1204. Приостановлен PjcGRTXX 7032694961
1205. Приостановлен ylPkcYShDLelXhR 6650767831
1206. Приостановлен bVytHkAWgX 9821908596
1207. Приостановлен OvSdStYiBiAI 4467649786
1208. Приостановлен zbOMJXaU 7393653293
1209. Приостановлен ruDJmujjM 7435067397
1210. Приостановлен PPUKbVbpxs 8907927707
1211. Приостановлен YomVFGJeLc 6495368124
1212. Приостановлен MyName +65 20186262
1213. Приостановлен John +91 63037315
1214. Приостановлен TestUser +15 92015335
1215. Приостановлен TestUser +12 41679804
1216. Приостановлен Alice +58 11500520
1217. Приостановлен MyName +50 402542854
1218. Приостановлен Alice +44 4878999511
1219. Приостановлен John +4 4706363
1220. Приостановлен John +67 4646493
1221. Приостановлен MyName +34 534518960
1222. Приостановлен TestUser +86 4931710901
1223. Приостановлен yYTiwTJpIOc 7134789169
1224. Приостановлен John +49 1513105402
1225. Приостановлен Hello +48 996687906
1226. Приостановлен Hello +22 493478606
1227. Приостановлен Alice +45 90387316
1228. Приостановлен AKncbymf 9165727365
1229. Приостановлен MyName +89 59786098
1230. Приостановлен Hello +67 6113365244
1231. Приостановлен Alice +58 0007787066
1232. Приостановлен EPSBgJnRi 9503003977

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